The naughtiest, funniest, most revolting science show in the world.
Brace yourselves for BBC Gastronaut Stefan Gates’ revolutionary, high-tech, highly-explosive new show, packed with outrageous science stunts. On the surface it’s a riot of disgusting experiments built to delight young audiences but under the bonnet it’s a brilliantly-constructed curriculum-driven adventure designed to inspire Britain’s kids with a lasting fascination for science.
Expect enormous bottoms, f*rt machines, snot cocktails, vast whoopee cushions, pee-powered fireworks and ear-wax-oozing mannequins.
Stef is the high-octane presenter of 20 TV series (five for CBBC) and award-winning author of 12 books (including Rude Science). He’s internationally renowned for his world-class science stage shows.
Show duration: 1hr 40 including a 20min interval
Free 45min meet-and-greet with Stefan after the show
Recommended ages: 5-14+ (younger children are welcome but there’s a lot of noisy, smelly sensory stimulation we recommend parents to be the best judges!)
Warnings: Smells, explosions (well signposted), stage smoke, latex balloons.
11.30AM & 3PM
They're open later for performances
For admin and all non ticket related enquiries: 01302 303950
Box Office and Café Bar
Mon: CLOSED Tue-Thu: 9am-5pm (open later for performances) Fri: 1.5 hours before show Sat (term time): 10am-2pm & 1.5 hours before show Sat-Sun (school holidays): 1.5 hours before show