
Cast Open Mic Night

  • Venue/Location:Cast Theatre
  • Date:27 May 25
  • Tickets:Free

If you want to perform music, spoken word, poetry, comedy, or even magic, this is the place for you!

We welcome all entertainers and those who love being entertained. 

Book now

Date and time

27 May 25, 19:45


  • Sir Nigel Gresley Square
  • Doncaster
  • South Yorkshire
  • DN1 3BU

Opening Times





They're open later for performances

For admin and all non ticket related enquiries: 01302 303950

Box Office and Café Bar

Mon: CLOSED Tue-Thu: 9am-5pm (open later for performances) Fri: 1.5 hours before show Sat (term time): 10am-2pm & 1.5 hours before show Sat-Sun (school holidays): 1.5 hours before show

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