Our The Emperor Penguin was designed by Amanda Quellin.
Where can you find The Emperor Penguin?
The Emperor, with a gaze profound,
Observes time in the corner, topnotch and renowned.
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Our Santa Paws Penguin was proudly designed by Jessica Perrin.
Where can I find Santa Paws Penguin?
On a reindeer, Santa Paws usually glides, This time, a train adventure he decides.
But first, his old friend he seeks to find, The maker of the Flying Scotsman, a design so refined.
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Our Kevin the Kinguin Penguin was proudly designed by Caroline Daly.
Where can I find Kevin the Kinguin?
If food's your joy, a delightful embrace, This is the spot, your taste buds to grace. Kevin the Kinguin, with a grin not far, relishes his feast, gazing at a Sunnybar.
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It's penguinning to look a lot like Christmas was designed by Laura Kate Draws.
Where can I find 'It's penguinning to look a lot like Christmas'?
Since Roman days, these stalls endure, where our penguin friend, so sweet and pure, oversees a road, where history transcends, named after geese, his loyal feathered friends.
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Mr Easy Freezy was designed by Jenny Leonard.
Where can I find 'Mr Easy Freezy'?
Amidst the shops, a lively scene, Mr. Easy Freezy, calm and keen. With Santa, stores, and a chic expanse, in a place named after our friends in France.
Proudly adopted by Foster for Doncaster your local council fostering service:
Pullover Penguin was designed by Donna Newman.
Where can I find 'Pullover Penguin'?
From the icy plains, Pullover Penguin hops a train, As the city explorer seeks to ascertain, where he can go across the City, a taxi he calls, with a view quite pretty.
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Check out the Doncaster Racecourse competition
The Forest at Christmas was designed by Jodie Silverman.
Where can I find 'The Forest at Christmas' penguin?
In times of old, an entrance to the city's domain, The street of bakers and Cartwright's loom factory's former reign. By the town's old Buttercross, a historical frame, where tales of yesteryears echo their name.
Proudly adopted by Cast
Our Buddy the Elf penguin was designed by Megan H Smith-Evans.
Where can you find the Buddy the Elf penguin?
In streets where royalty trod with grace,
dwells Buddy the Elf Penguin in his happy place.
On the high street's sway, where the Mayor's wave,
greets him warmly, a friend so brave.
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Percy the Party Penguin was designed by Reilly Creative.
Where can I find Percy the Party Penguin?
Percy stands, amid the city's rhythmic heat, Shopping streets and centers, a vibrant suite. If he looks up, he'll find in his view, 1930s art deco, shops, and pubs that grew.
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The Road to Giverny was designed by Studio Glen.
Where can I find 'The Road to Giverny' penguin?
On a road that's aged, nearly two centuries spanned, 'The Road to Giverny' finds its place to stand. From Balby to Danum, a historic strand, Pubs named after Lords, a legacy so grand.
Proudly adopted by City of Doncaster Council Sustainability Unit:
In the deep (midwinter) was designed by Sue Guthrie.
Where can I find 'In the deep (midwinter)' penguin?
In the deep puzzle, our penguin must navigate, A quest to escape, an intricate fate. On the entrance road to the city so pretty, Where old pottery thrived, a historical ditty.
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Tiffany penguin was designed by Lois Cordelia.
Where can I find 'Tiffany' penguin?
In a spot where horses in the past were traded bold, Tiffany the Penguin finds her dwelling to hold. By the old Girl's School, a triangle unfolds, Buses pause, and furniture tales are told.
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