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Wonderful Schulze Organ

wonderful Schulze Organ
  • Venue/Location:Doncaster Minster of St George
  • Date:24 Feb 23

Another recital to continue the series played on the wonderful Schulze Organ in the beautiful setting of Doncaster Minster, DN1 1RD

The organ in St. George’s Doncaster is the work of Edmund Schulze of Paulinzelle in Saxony, and dates from 1862, four years after the completion of the present church building.

The firm of Schulze had exhibited an organ in the Great Exhibition of 1851 and this marked the beginning of a wide influence in this country. The Doncaster instrument is their largest organ.

Friday 24th February – William Reynolds, Swansea

1.10pm free entry with retiring collection

William Reynolds was appointed Organist & Director of Music at St Mary's in the centre of Swansea in 2002; he combines this with work as a freelance musician, and is Education & Training Officer for the Royal School of Church Music in the Swansea & Brecon Area. He studied music at University of Wales, Bangor, where he gained the degrees of BMus, MA and PhD. He has had some of his research published in the Journal of the British Institute of Organ Studies, and Welsh Music History, with Cathedral Press recently publishing some of his performing editions of seventeenth-century anthems. Before moving to Swansea he was Organist at Christ College, Brecon, Sub-Organist at Cardiff Metropolitan (RC) Cathedral, and Organ Scholar at Bangor Cathedral. He has an interest in composition and has written several works for choir. William has recorded as an organ accompanist on the SAIN label, and is active as an organ recitalist; in 2009 he gave a solo recital tour of Italy. In May 2012 at St Davids Cathedral he was presented with The Archbishop of Wales' Award for Church Music for his services to church music in Wales and at St Mary's, Swansea.

Date and time

24 Feb 23, 00:00


  • Church Street
  • Doncaster
  • South Yorkshire
  • DN1 1RD

Opening Times

Monday to Friday






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