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Drive-In Community Carol Service

  • Venue/Location:The Salvation Army
  • Date:18 Dec 21
  • Tickets:Free

The Salvation Army Lakeside Community Church is hosting a Drive-In Community Carol Service in the car park on Saturday 18th December.

Enjoy a free evening with them, from the safety and security of your own car, which will all be projected onto a big screen.

Expect to hear your favourite Christmas carols, Salvation Army's brass band and choir, Lakeside youth orchestra and a Nativity presentation by the young people.

Boking is essential and can be done so by contacting 01302 538245 or emailing

Available times at 5pm and 7pm.

Date and time

18 Dec 21, 17:00


  • Booth Avenue
  • South Yorkshire
  • DN4 5JN