Learning isn’t just for school; what can you find out with the Learning Things in Doncaster?
Libraries are a great place to learn and grow. Doncaster Libraries to find your nearest library.
Enjoy learning and feed your imagination by heading to your local library and borrowing a book. They have learning and story books of all kinds. Join your community and support your local library.
Family Hubs bring services together to work with families. They also offer a range of activities to promote positive child and parent engagement.
Head to the Family Hubs and Services page, on Doncaster Council’s website, to find out more about the Family hubs, what they have to offer and how you can engage with them.
he Doncaster Cultural Education Partnership (DCEP) aims to see all children and young people, engaging in, learning from and enriched by quality creative experiences across the Borough. The Partnership brings together cultural organisations, educational institutions and the local authority to have a joined-up local arts and cultural offer across the borough, both in and out of school.
Their news page is a great place to go for news on what is happening within the partnership and how you can get involved. Head to the website and see what you can do.
The new Danum Gallery, Library and Museum will be a dynamic central hub that inspires creativity, informal learning and innovation. It will be a great place to visit to learn more about Doncaster and its history.
Some of the things you can get involved in, in the museum, include:
There are many different belief systems around the world and it can be really beneficial to learn about them. Research has found that understanding of different religions can support psychological adjustment and social competence.
Visit the CBeebies Let’s Celebrate page to learn about different religions. You can play games, watch videos or even try cooking some food from a different culture (with the help of an adult!)
Visiting places of worship is another great way to learn about different religions. You can visit the Doncaster Libraries to find the different places of worship in Doncaster. Do some research on the religion and visit some of the destinations.
ign language can help when it comes to expressing yourself. Research has shown that it speeds up speech development, increases parent-child bonding and can reduce frustration.
Visit the CBeebies Using signs and symbols to communicate page to learn more about the different types of sign language and how important they are to give everyone a voice. See what signs you can learn.
Doncaster Heritage’s website has lots of great activities for families to keep you occupied for days at home. Visit the Heritage Doncaster website for some fun activities to do indoors.
The 100 Reads Campaign, from the National Literacy Trust, is a list of 100 children’s books. The list was decided using Doncaster resident views, with over 2,100 residents taking part, each allowed three votes per person.
Take a look at the list and read some of Doncaster’s favourite children’s books. You could even test your writing skills by writing a review on one of the books you read.
Language learning has been proven to boost skills such as memory, concentration and listening skills. Visit the CBeebies The Lingo Show page for videos to support language learning. You can also visit BBC Bitesize for language learning resources for KS1 students to learn some German, French, Spanish or even Mandarin!
101 Things to do Indoors is packed full of fun, easy and free literacy-themed activities that can all be completed during lockdown. The activities are from a diverse range of authors and creators so there is something for everyone.
Learning to cook is a great life skill. The BBC Good Food website has a list of recipes that are great for children.
With an adult, choose a recipe and get cooking!
Share a photo of your work in Instagram with the hashtag #100ThingsDN
You could also learn to make a cup of tea! Have an adult help you to make a cup of tea.
t’s good to be healthy! Visit the BBC Good Food Healthy kids’ recipes to find a list of healthy recipes. Choose one and get cooking!
Share a photo of your meal on Instagram with the hashtag #100ThingsDN
The Doncaster Libraries Facebook Page frequently posts updates about the Doncaster Libraries along with sharing activity ideas for Doncaster residents and families. Follow the page and engage with some of the activities available.
The Doncaster Libraries Facebook Page frequently posts updates about the Doncaster Libraries along with sharing activity ideas for Doncaster residents and families. Follow the page and engage with some of the activities available.
The Roald Dahl at Home Trail consists of five activities that aim to help children re-imagine their homes, taking them from room-to-room, meeting different characters along the way. Download the resource pack and help your children see their home through new eyes.
Reviewing books can help with skills such as reading comprehension, developing a writing style and developing a writing voice.
Here is a link to the Read Write Think website that has some useful tips to help children write a book review.
The Iron Man is a book written by Ted Hughes, telling the story of the Iron Man, a giant who set off on a route of destruction but then changed and saved the world.
Read the book, experience the story and then write down your thoughts. Here is a link to the Read Write Think website that has some useful tips to help children write a book review.
Did you know that Ted Hughes was also born in Doncaster? You can learn more about the author here.