Parents and babies can wish upon a star this Christmas at Cast
Christmas magic will light up the senses of new parents and their babies this December as Cast, Doncaster’s theatre, opens its doors to its new show ‘Wish’.
An adventure of warmth and wonder awaits first time theatre goers as the show unfolds through movement, music, and light in a cosy relaxed space as a genie grants babies up to 18 months and their grown-ups three magical wishes.
The use of baby sign language will provide an array of interactive sensory experiences for little ones as they experience their first Christmas show.
Deborah Rees, director at Cast, said: “We’re so thrilled to be offering this amazing experience for new parents and their little ones this Christmas. It’s a really special show where the usual theatre environment becomes very baby friendly so that mums and dads can change and look after them within the relaxed space.
“Wish is perfect for parents who would love to see their children interact with others and create wonderful Christmas memories together. With many new parents missing out on social activities throughout the lockdown period such as meeting other parents, playgroups and theatre trips, the show will bring magic to lots of families this Christmas.”
The show will run from 2 December to Sunday 12 December at 10.15am, 12pm and 1.45pm, with tickets available for £6. Suitable for babies up to 18 months.
For further information and pricing details visit