In Conversation with this year’s Booker Prize shortlisted authors

Lovers of literature in Doncaster are being invited to put their paperbacks down to join an online event where they will be able to ask this year’s Booker Prize shortlisted authors questions in a special pre-prize discussion.

In Conversation’, which will take place on Friday 13 November at 7pm via a global Facebook event hosted by Doncaster Creates, will offer people of Doncaster the opportunity to put questions to this year’s six Booker Prize shortlisted authors about their nominated book or the experience of being an author.

South Yorkshire poet, Helen Mort, will be joined by the six shortlisted authors - Douglas Stuart (Shuggie Bain), Brandon Taylor (Real Life), Maaza Mengiste (The Shadow King), Avni Doshi (Burnt Sugar), Tsitsi Dangarembga (The Mournable Body) and Diane Cook (The New Wilderness) - to talk about their work and answer questions from the audience.

Earlier in the year, Doncaster was named as The Booker Prize for Fiction’s partner for its regional events in 2020. The winner of the prize will be announced on 19 November.

Copies of the shortlisted books have been whizzing their way to as many Doncaster reading groups and book clubs as possible - there are almost 60 book groups in the town and the team would love to hear urgently from any members of book clubs and reading groups that normally meet who would like to get involved.

Helen Foster, Literacy Learning Engagement Manager for Doncaster Libraries, said: “Book clubs and reading groups are about a friendly exchange of a passion for books – this  happens frequently in Doncaster, normally taking place in libraries, homes, pubs and workplaces.  A love of great stories and  books is one thing we can all come together to discuss safely online -  enjoyment, not only of the stories themselves but hearing other people enthuse, is so important right now.  

“This type of friendly exchange of literary passions often happens in Doncaster - taking place in libraries, homes, pubs and workplaces. Sharing a passion for great books is one thing we can all join together to discuss safely online - sharing enjoyment, not only of the stories themselves but hearing other people enthuse, is so important right now. 

“A literary award like the Booker Prize is a great prompt to discover new novels and authors that you may otherwise not reach for. This year, the added book sets from the Booker Prize shortlist we’ve loaned out have had a lot of interest from different group members, and we are looking forward to finding out their opinions, likes and dislikes.”

If you enjoy great books and stories, and would love an uplifting experience in these challenging times with others who enjoy reading, join the event online at 7.00pm on Friday 13 November by signing up to the event on the Doncaster Creates Facebook page.

Any questions for the authors can be forwarded to
