Calling all street food vendors!

Here at Lakeside Village, we know how our customers like to try something different and combined with our desire to bring new and exciting options to the centre, we’re embarking on a search for street food vendors who are interested in setting up shop with us over the summer.

We’re on the lookout for independent street food vendors to offer them the chance to come to Lakeside Village and provide our customers with an exciting new food offering.

Di Rodgers, our centre manager, said: “We’re on the hunt for street food vendors that can see the potential we have here at Lakeside Village.

“We know that the coronavirus pandemic has unfortunately meant that lots of independents who had a calendar full of summer events planned have had it all cancelled and they may be looking for alternative venues to set up shop. We’d love to here from anyone who is interested – whether they run a food van or want to explore the ‘pop up’ style take away option from one of our units.

“We’re open to anyone as not only do we want to help food vendors find a base for the summer but we also want to give our shoppers a wider choice of food options. We are really excited to hear from people who want to find out more.”

If you are an interested street food vendor, please contact: and
